

Who is Costantino Roselli?

Costantino is an Author, Entrepreneur, Coach, Brand Storyteller and Speaker.

He is the Bestselling Author of the self-published personal development book ‘MillionDollar Chest’ and he writes about Branding, Business and life on his personal blog underhis name, on Medium and Linkedin.

Reaching a high level position in the corporate world he decided to move on his own andbecome as he likes to say, a Ronin: a Warrior without a king. He works as a freelancer for the best European brand building teams helping in big brand projects like Ferrari and Red Bull.

He has founded the Brand Building Agency ‘Weird Authentic People’ and the educational and coaching movement ‘Cause a Change’ with the aim to help people acquire a new ID, the skills and weapons needed to evolve and put a dent in this world.

Costantino believes that as we are leaving behind the industrial economy, moving forward to the connection one, the skills, processes, cultural habits, mindset and actions we’ve learnt will not help us go to the next level. We need to build new ways of thinking, expand our mindset and behave as individual remarkable brands sharing value to the network we belong to.

He loves to be on stage, speaking to people about how to build remarkable brands, how to grow their business and themselves to become thought leaders and unique influencers on their field. His last speech ‘Master the art of storytelling’ gathered 700 people in a week without any paid advertising.

Linkedin ranked him among the 2% of people in the Marketing industry, and his name dominates the first three pages of Google. He is a mentor in AllilonNet, Coursera and 100Mentors. He belongs to Seth Godin’s communities ’leadership’ and ‘This is Marketing’, to Robin Sharma’s community ‘The Game-Changers Blueprint’, and he is cofounder of the futuristic action tank ’Infinity Club’.

Costantino holds a bachelor in Computer Science, a Master in Digital Marketing and 22certificates on Technology, Leadership, Branding, Coaching and Storytelling from Universities around the world. He challenges himself to read 100 books yearly and he measures his success by how many people he helps evolve in their business and life. He doesn't go to meetings and doesn’t love to talk on the phone. But he answers all his emails himself and responds to all messages on WhatsApp.

His new books and projects are coming soon. Until then, stay tuned by asking him anything you want in Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από τους αυτοματισμούς αποστολέων ανεπιθύμητων μηνυμάτων. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε τη JavaScript για να μπορέσετε να τη δείτε.

Εξωτερικός συνεργάτης της V.I.M.

Προφίλ της V.I.M.,

Η V.I.M., η πρώτη εταιρεία Influencer Marketing σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο, φέρνει οργανωμένα σε επαφή εταιρείες και κορυφαίους Influencers, μέσω της πρώτης πλατφόρμας αναζήτησης Influencers για Ελλάδα και Κύπρο.


Site: https://www.vim.com.gr/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/19053201/admin/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vim.com.gr/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vim_com_gr/?hl=el

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Athens #JobFestival 2019

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Προσωπικό Coaching
CV Tips
LinkedIn Tips
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Dress Code
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Αποκλειστικός Χορηγός
Χορηγοί Επικοινωνίας
Λίστα Εταιριών
Εισηγητές workshop
Roselli Costantino
Αλεξάκη Νταϊάνα
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Γεωργαλά Μαρία
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Στατιστικά Athens #JobFestival 2019

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